Dec 29, 2011
Dec 25, 2011
Plus Size OOTN: Holiday Edition pt. 1
One-Shoulder Lace Overlay Bodycon Dress
Black stockings
Lace Peep Toe Pumps [here's a pic of them ]
Poparazzi-inspired earrings that i made myself
Heart Necklace
Pearl Charm Bracelet
I purchased this dress from a store in Philly. But I did find a few dupes of this dress on a website called
Oct 31, 2011
Hoodrat Wasted
As you all know, this past weekend was Halloween Weekend & today is actually Halloween. *blank stare* Of course you guys know....forgive me. I am still hungover. Yes....I drank the devil juice & got loose. *puts head down in shame*
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inebriated & still badder than most. |
Last week, my friend Patrice informed me that her cousin would be hosting some kinda masquerade/costume/halloween/hoodrat gathering/birthday party & asked if I'd want to attend. I promptly replied YES CHILE!! & ran off to various locations to begin the process of styling a deliciously envy-worthy costume. So Friday night comes & by this time I have recruited Jazz, my Partner In Crime/Eating Partner/Fattest Skinny Chick I Know/Bestie/Little Sister/Niece....yea, she's all that. Really. Lmao. So me, Jazz [@CocoaAllure], Patrice & her brother get to the venue which happened to be a.....BANQUET HALL.....and then to make matters worse I hear "Wifey" - Next playing. I don't even know if this event even had a DJ, for all I fuckn know, somebody's uncle was playing a Mix CD on his 1999 circa BoomBox. I felt like I was set off Soul Food 2. I can't. I simply can NOT.
Oct 11, 2011
Everything is not what it seems. Even if it seems to be the way things are designed to be. Sometimes the conventional leaves far worse scars than the much feared alternative does. You live life the way you were taught to. You respect people the way you were taught to. You even love the way you were taught to. Only to find out years later that you were miseducated & led astray by incompetents who claim no responsibility for their negligence or even acknowledge it, no less. So now you're out in the world, lost. Swimming in the ocean of life & you don't even have a lifesaver to keep you from drowning. What you thought you knew, isn't really what you should know at all. So now you're just out here, winging it. Naive, misguided, & impressionable. And most times, you fall victim to those that prey on your kind. They feed off of your energy because in a sense, it is innocent & childlike because you seek guidance for issues you should have prior knowledge about.
You don't even really know what is going on in this matrix of life. So they take advantage of you because you can be molded & manipulated & they you shape into what they want you to be. You believe the illusion. Of course you would. You are completely oblivious to the fact that it is not reality but yet an altered form of it. But before you know it, that "new-play-thing" luster has worn off of you & they see a less tainted, more easily manipulated individual just skipping down the path & they shove you into the thorned bushes. Perplexed, resentful & wounded, you're left there to pluck all those thorns from yourself & carry on down the path of life only to cross paths with many more just like this. That innocence & naivety morphs into disdain & bitterness. You are now the opposite of the person you were once destined to be. You've changed. Not necessarily because you want to but as a survival tactic & defense mechanism.
Oct 10, 2011
Beyonce On Top
So as I'm pulling an all-nighter filming & editing videos, I stumble across this little gem....Beyonce's teaser for her next video which is for "Love On Top." It kinda has like this 80s/New Edition vibe to it but it works. And I must say, Bey is looking fucking boughettoly GORG with her lil captain's hat thingy I'm sure she fought tooth & nail with Ms. West over & her lil hi-top sneaks I'm sure cost more than what I earn in 6 months. Accessories aside, I didn't spot the one I was looking for....the outline of the Supreme Ruler of ALL Celeb Kids (past present & FUTURE...even in utero, the Smiths kids get defecated on), the protrusion of all things Bootylicious & Brooklyn-esque, the baby bump of the fetus Knowles-Carter. *sighs* I guess she does what I in bulk & release on a schedule.
Oct 2, 2011
Internet Moguling
So while I let the blog slightly fall by the wayside, I have been on Youtube & Facebook tryna get my mogul on, you know...tryna get to guru status & shit. So forgive me. I know you still love me. And for those of you have been asking me What exactly is RisqueGlam? here's a little back history.
RisqueGlam is a name a chose years ago, like back when Myspace was just starting out. Back then, I had a couple of websites. One I used as my blog & the other was my portfolio site. I was doing freelance graphic design at the time & even then I branding myself lol. My page on Myspace was one of my creative outlets because I would frequently update my page with a new layout featuring whatever digital art I created at that particular time. RisqueGlam is what I would describe my online persona as a designer to be. Very sexy & sassy, almost enough to make you blush but still glamorous & demure enough for others to aspire to be it.
Sep 19, 2011
My Princess
On September 19, 2008 at 1:40pm, I gave birth to the most beautiful baby I could have ever asked God to bless me with. Aliana Dior came into the world weighting 7 lbs 4 oz & was 19 3/4 inches long with a head full of hair so thick it looked like a toupee lol. These last 3 years have not been the easiest but Ali is my WORLD & I wouldn't change her for anything. I love my daughter to pieces!!!
Sep 15, 2011
Playing With Peoples JLS
Sidebar: I know this entry is long but please read in its entirety. This is how I am feeling & I think you will enjoy this. Also, excuse the foul language in the dialogue. It was only included for authenticity purposes.
Male 1: "Yea nigga I got this new bitch that lives up [insert name of any random hood]."
Male 1: "Yea nigga I got this new bitch that lives up [insert name of any random hood]."
Male 2: "Word Nigga? Damn. What she look like?"
Male 1: "She badd than a mu'fucka yo. Im tryna see if she gon lemme pop tonight."
Male 2: [Laughs] "You crazy as shit nigga. You bet' not let [insert 1 of 5 baby mommas' names] find out. You remember what she did last time!! That bitch crazy as fuck yo!!" [Laughs]
Male 1: [Laughs] "Nigga aint nobody sweatin' that bitch! You know how many bitches I done fucked & she ain't ever find out?? Shit nigga I got like 6 bitches lined up just waitin' to get slayed. Fuck outta here!! [Laughs]
Male 2: "Ard nigga!! Do you...but I wanna have to see yo ass on the fuckin' news in the A.M. cus that bitch done committed a double homicide & shit on you &THAT BITCH!!" [Laughs]
Male 1: "Nigga fuck dese hoes!! I don't trust dese bitches & I don't love dese bitches!! I just FUCK dese bitches!! So if she find out, she just FIND THE FUCK OUT nigga!! [Laughs] What the fuck she gon' do? Aint like she leavin' a nigga!! I got that bitch wrapped around my dick all in love wit a nigga!! I say jump & the bitch say 'How high daddy?' [Laughs] That bitch ain't goin' nowhere & if she do, FUCK HER!! Shit nigga. Like I said, I got other bitches, I keep these hoes on rotate my nigga!!" [Laughs]
Male 2: "My nigga!!" [Daps each other]
So I had to hit y'all with a small little dialogue so you can better feel where I'm coming from. I don't know what it is about these so called "men" who think its cool to play with hearts. The vast majority of these said "men" take pride in their ability to manipulate women's emotions & actions into getting what they want from them. And an even larger majority of women have fallen prey to it. I'm not judging. I too have been a victim of the "I tell you 'I love you' but really I would never look at you more than just a receptacle for my dick" kinda men. Most women, at some point in their lives, will encounter this exact kind of man. I empathize for these women because there is no worse feeling than putting your emotional all into a person & thinking they have intentions to reciprocate those same emotions & feelings with the same intensity, only to find out that to them you were merely just a play thing to past the time with & develop their craft with.
Sep 13, 2011
Natural Remedies: Hyperpigmentation
Hyperpigmentation is a problem that is common among black people & other people of color. It often occurs when an excess of melanin has been produced and forms deposits, causing skin patches that appear darker than the surrounding skin. Common cause of hyperpigmentation are: sun exposure, hormonal changes, heredity, acne, & botched skin treatments. Don't waste money on harmful & risky bleaching creams that can potentially make the problem worse! You can reduce the appearance of darkspots just by using lemon juice, honey, apple cider vinegar and water to create an all natural face mask & skin lightening toner.
In Utero Couture
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A peek at the baby bump aka my future niece or nephew. |
Confession. I cried when Beyonce announced she was pregnant. [Just a drop or two....5 mins worth. Dont judge me.] It damn near felt like it was me who was pregnant, or better I WAS THE ONE who knocked her up! Immediately I thought of all the cute pregnant outfits she'd be photo'd wearing and could not wait! The white bikini the other week was just too cute. Loved it!! I was like, "Aww look at my little niece or nephew (preferably niece) in my sister's belly." Then this ensemble (left) was really cute & unusually casual for what we're accustomed to seeing Beyonce in. But she is pregnant, so time to hang them red bottoms up honey cus those feet are gonna swell more than a can of burst biscuits. Get that epsom salt ready girl! Your gonna need it! Aside from that, I really like their relationship, even though their secretive asses never talk about it. Guess that's what makes us like them together so much is that they don't whore out their relationship & overexpose it like their careers. I love that they protect the bond that they have. Wanna know what I love even more?? The fact that they did it right. Yea, Jay might have some secret kids somewhere but we ain't talking about them right now cus we can't 100% confirm those stories. But these two got their careers established & became more successful than they could have probably ever imagined, got married, settled into being married and THEN decided to crank out some tax dependants. I pray they will be as successful at parenthood as they are at their careers.
Pink Pretzels
So our girl Ménage à trois is trippin' yet again. For the life of me I can't figure out why she dresses like this?? I'm all for creativity, individuality & being iconic But this shit right here son....smh. Keep this up Onika and you'll be disowned & deleted from the "Circle" in my head. I can't figure out if I'm more saddened by that bow she stole off some unsuspecting suburban family's Christmas wreath, that partially neapolitan ice cream wig [that I'll take in #1b, thank you] or that pussy pink pretzel necklace. If I were her, I woulda salted that pretzel with diamonds & shit...I'm just saying. *shrugs*
Everybody wants to be so different. Where's old Nicki at when you need her??
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Damn her & that steel wool skirt to hell. I rebuke this shit!! |
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At least she's giving us good hair. *shrugs* |
So word is Swizzy is cheating on Ms Keys...
Who didn't see that coming?? Like, let's be real. This rumor is right on time actually. I figured it'd be about a year or so before there'd be some rumor surfacing about one of his side pieces who forgot their place. But Alicia, girl can you really be mad?? It was you who had a hit song named "Karma" so therefore you know a thing or two about it. Now you're getting a firsthand taste of the medicine you force fed poor ol' Mashonda. All she was tryna do was get her potentially flopworthy debut album completed & released and here you come with your child-bearing hips talking 'bout some try sleeping with a broken heart & stealing her man.
[insert crickets]
Sep 12, 2011
Bald Envy
I wish I had her courage. But then again...Nahhhhh. I love hair too much. Plus....I've got a big head. Like, my shit is massive. I wonder what color my scalp is....??
Ok so i've got everything up & running. Now I just need to crank out some more videos. But....what look should I do next??
Bright colors?? Smokey??? Celebrity-inspired????? If so, leave a pic of the celeb who's makeup look you want me to recreate. =)
Leave your suggestions in the comments.
I don't know what has gotten into but usually Mondays are NOT my most productive days....but this Monday is different. I've been up revamping the blog, brainstorming about video ideas & concepts, setting up a Facebook fan site, networking AND marketing!! Wow. I am really amazing myself. I'm going hard with my brand. Mind you, I have been to sleep in almost 24 hours & I'm running off of 6 strawberries in my tummy that was washed down by a bottle of water. Damn.
Video FAIL
So I'm not even gonna tell you guys how these two tag videos I recorded on Thursday have literally drained all that is joyous & fanciful from my entire weekend. *sighs* Okay so I filmed these videos, uploaded them, & watched them and was like OMG this is really great stuff!! With a little bit of editing, these could be RisqueGlam Classics!! (Like, I'm even relevant or something.)
So I go and click on my handy dandy Windows Live Movie Maker icon & got to work. For about three hours each, I edited the shit outta these two videos. They were the best videos I have produced yet. What's the problem, you say?? Well these little joy-stealers will NOT save as a complete video file!! FML!!! They took absolutely tooooooo lonnnnngggggg to save & when they finally were finish & I viewed would come to a point in the video where it BLACKS OUT!!! All audio, no video. I'm like, my precious work....gone to waste. *sad face; tear*
Jul 31, 2011
*Approaches podium; slowly lifts head*
"Hi everybody. My name is Sunshine...."
(Everyone says)
"Hi Sunshine."
"....And I am a Beauty Addict." *Exhales*
Let me cut my shit. I'm so dramatic. Don't judge me lol. So hey everybody it's Sunshine and this is my new beauty blog. This is the encore to the YouTube videos. Consider this blog a courtesy because this is were I get to say all the things I couldn't say in m videos due to my time constraints. I always say this....I'm too outspoken not to be now you guys can read too. Lucky you! lol I'm just kidding you guys. =)
So yea, let's just hop right into it. In the past two weeks I've posted 3 new videos to YouTube. [Click here to go to my channel and check them out.] The first one being the video titled Lacefronts In the Summer. Okay so some people (I'm going to assume they are sense of humor-ly challenged) didn't like my video. I'm just gonna say they didn't like it because it went over their heads. I'll tell you now, you have got to have a sense of humor when you view my videos or read my blog because I'm funny on the low. I'm like a sarcastic kinda person. I say funny shit without even trying sometimes so do bring a sense of humor when you come to my channel or blog. I just say how I feel & ocassionally it happens to be funny. I just find lacefronts in sweltering heat to be quit stupid. Don't go getting all tight in the chest over my opinion. Just saying...
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